Gora at its core aims to create a marketplace where participants can interact to buy and sell data-related products and services in a decentralized manner. Gora's economics is designed using a framework that aggregates the Tokenomics into three categories;
Market design, Mechanism design, and Token design.
You can swap $GORA on ETH using this widget by Uniswap, the #1 DEX on Ethereum.
You can swap $GORA on ETH using this widget by Uniswap, the #1 DEX on Ethereum.
You can swap $GORA on ETH using this widget by Uniswap, the #1 DEX on Ethereum.
You can swap $GORA using this widget delivered to us by Tinyman, the #1 DEX on Algorand.
Running a node, or delegating tokens to validators directly improves the security of the system, while simultaneously increasing capacity. Node Runners enjoy ecosystem rewards for powering the backbone of decentralized applications.
Estimate. See our Medium blog on Gora´s commission system for more info. Click here
$GORA Token is designed such that it allows the holder to take part in important decisions, stake in Gora, take part as a node runner, pay for data/computation as a consumer and obtain value from the network effects of increasing usage of Gora.